
Tuesday | 20:00-22:00

Green Street Green Road Dartford, DA1 1QE

Welcome to MAN v FAT Dartford. Please feel free to sign up and your MAN v FAT coach will be in touch soon. (You will not be charged a monthly subscription of £35 until your place in the club is confirmed).

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Welcome to MAN v FAT Football Dartford, I look forward to you signing up and joining other like-minded men to win the battle against fat

Darren Rowland, Coach, Dartford


Season Fourteen | 2025
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
Piecester City (Pink)

Latest league fixtures / results

Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) 10 7 2 1 107 71 36 16
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) 10 8 0 2 95 61 34 16
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) 10 7 1 2 87 61 26 15
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) 10 5 1 4 68 67 1 11
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) 10 4 0 6 79 114 -35 8
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) 10 3 0 7 64 92 -28 6
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) 10 2 0 8 60 75 -15 4
Piecester City (Pink) 10 2 0 8 66 85 -19 4
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) 10 7 2 1 29 12 17 16
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) 10 7 1 2 30 15 15 15
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) 10 6 1 3 23 14 9 13
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) 10 3 4 3 13 19 -6 10
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) 10 4 1 5 38 35 3 9
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) 10 3 1 6 21 27 -6 7
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) 10 2 2 6 17 22 -5 6
Piecester City (Pink) 10 1 2 7 12 39 -27 4
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) 10 7 2 1 50 17 33 16
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) 10 5 3 2 50 33 17 13
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) 10 6 0 4 37 26 11 12
Piecester City (Pink) 10 5 2 3 29 23 6 12
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) 10 3 3 4 21 27 -6 9
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) 10 3 2 5 18 30 -12 8
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) 10 2 1 7 21 39 -18 5
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) 10 2 1 7 22 53 -31 5
Team Player Weight Score Loss Percentage
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) Mack Edwardson 14.00 13.82%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Ziya Musa 12.50 14.01%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Luke Allen 11.50 13.91%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Michael Artiss 10.50 7.45%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Ahmet Dogan 10.50 5.86%
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) Steve Nagle 10.00 -4.75%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Adam Deller 9.00 9.01%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Scott Filmer 9.00 8.58%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Andrew Payne 9.00 6.58%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Tony Harris 8.50 4.27%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Matthew Rigby 8.00 2.91%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Sam Hunt 8.00 2.82%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Darren Jessop 7.00 2.42%
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) William Ewen 6.00 7.40%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Sam Reynolds 6.00 0.33%
Piecester City (Pink) Yasir Elmi 5.50 3.35%
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) Paul Kersey 5.50 0.99%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Kushal Babla 5.00 1.75%
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) Scott Stanton 5.00 1.28%
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) Robert Haynes 5.00 0.38%
Piecester City (Pink) Alan Lado-Devesa 4.00 1.15%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Billy Lambert 3.50 2.54%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Tom Moore 3.50 2.36%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Kes eka 3.50 2.18%
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) Stephen Clark 3.50 1.31%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Chris Turner 3.50 0.72%
Piecester City (Pink) Garry Nie 3.50 0.20%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Noel Carroll 3.00 4.22%
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) Andrei Matevici 3.00 3.11%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Mark Bentley 3.00 1.70%
Piecester City (Pink) Christopher Hulbert 3.00 1.59%
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) Jemal Akkus 3.00 1.22%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Paul Collins 3.00 1.16%
Piecester City (Pink) Lawrence Morris 3.00 1.01%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Mike Small 3.00 0.63%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Timothy Ewen 3.00 0.00%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Alex Read 2.50 3.19%
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) Stephen Armstrong 2.50 2.40%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Yusuf Conteh 2.50 2.30%
Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange) Tom Synnuck 2.50 1.23%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Chris Rose 2.50 1.21%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Leigh Pell 2.50 0.54%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Joe Cassidy 2.50 -0.47%
Piecester City (Pink) Nishith Desai 2.50 -1.33%
Piecester City (Pink) Philip Goode 2.00 0.56%
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) Chris Callaghan 2.00 0.47%
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) Troy Blackwood 1.50 0.29%
Dwhite Pork (Dartford White) Jamie Bell 1.50 -0.68%
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) Sam Hayes 1.00 2.15%
Piecester City (Pink) Joseph Latham 1.00 1.76%
Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue) Jeff B 1.00 1.10%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Dominic Gilchrist 1.00 0.74%
Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow) Chris Ball 1.00 0.00%
Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple) Stuart Bloomfield 1.00 -1.86%
Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red) Chris Board 0.50 0.42%
Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green) James Axford 0.50 0.09%

Upcoming Cup Matches

Recent Cup Match Results


  • Tuesday 18 March

    Piecester City (Pink)
    VS 20:00
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
  • Tuesday 18 March

    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    VS 20:30
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
  • Tuesday 18 March

    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    VS 21:00
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
  • Tuesday 18 March

    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    VS 21:30
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    VS 20:00
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    VS 20:30
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    VS 21:00
    Piecester City (Pink)
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    VS 21:30
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    VS 20:00
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    VS 20:30
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Piecester City (Pink)
    VS 21:00
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    VS 21:30
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    VS 20:00
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    VS 20:30
    Piecester City (Pink)
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    VS 21:00
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    VS 21:30
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)

Tap score to see breakdown.

  • Tuesday 11 March

    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    7 - 1
    Piecester City (Pink)
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    7 - 3
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    5 - 13
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    4 - 12
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
  • Tuesday 04 March

    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    15 - 3
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    4 - 10
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    Piecester City (Pink)
    9 - 10
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    7 - 4
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
  • Tuesday 25 February

    Piecester City (Pink)
    7 - 9
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    5 - 6
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    10 - 7
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    6 - 8
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    9 - 6
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    6 - 7
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    Piecester City (Pink)
    0 - 11
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    2 - 5
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
  • Tuesday 11 February

    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    9 - 6
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    12 - 10
    Piecester City (Pink)
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    3 - 10
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    10 - 8
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
  • Tuesday 04 February

    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    9 - 15
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    Piecester City (Pink)
    10 - 11
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    8 - 8
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    9 - 6
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
  • Tuesday 28 January

    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    14 - 9
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    12 - 8
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    3 - 10
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    8 - 6
    Piecester City (Pink)
  • Tuesday 21 January

    Piecester City (Pink)
    9 - 4
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    10 - 7
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    17 - 6
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    13 - 7
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
  • Tuesday 14 January

    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    8 - 13
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    5 - 7
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    5 - 9
    Piecester City (Pink)
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    3 - 7
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
  • Tuesday 07 January

    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    8 - 5
    Piecester City (Pink)
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    10 - 4
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    6 - 6
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    10 - 15
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
  • Tuesday 18 March

    Piecester City (Pink)
    0 - 0
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    0 - 0
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    0 - 0
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    0 - 0
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    0 - 0
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    0 - 0
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Piecester City (Pink)
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    0 - 0
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    0 - 0
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)
    0 - 0
    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    Piecester City (Pink)
    0 - 0
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    0 - 0
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Plymouth Largegyle (Dartford Green)
    0 - 0
    Porky Blinders (Dartford Blue)
    Hakuna Mafatasz (Dartford Purple)
    0 - 0
    Piecester City (Pink)
    Kebaberdeen (Dartford Red)
    0 - 0
    Dwhite Pork (Dartford White)
    Yellow Belly Ballers (Dartford Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Tubby Tangerines (Dartford Orange)