
Tuesday | 19:00-20:30

Academy Sport , Torquay Street Central London, W2 5EW

Welcome to MAN v FAT Westminster. Please feel free to sign up and your MAN v FAT coach will be in touch when a space in the league becomes available (you will not be charged a monthly subscription of £36.50 until your place in the league is confirmed).

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see what our players have been up to


Season Seventeen | 2025
Fatlanta FC - BLACK
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
Bayern Munchies - BLUE
The Paper Towels - WHITE
Real Ale Madrid - RED
Shrek United - GREEN

Latest league fixtures / results

Fatlanta FC - BLACK 5 4 0 1 60 43 17 8
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW 5 3 0 2 47 43 4 6
Bayern Munchies - BLUE 5 2 0 3 48 47 1 4
The Paper Towels - WHITE 5 2 0 3 46 50 -4 4
Real Ale Madrid - RED 5 2 0 3 40 44 -4 4
Shrek United - GREEN 5 2 0 3 35 49 -14 4
Fatlanta FC - BLACK 5 4 0 1 27 11 16 8
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW 5 3 0 2 14 13 1 6
Bayern Munchies - BLUE 5 2 0 3 22 19 3 4
Real Ale Madrid - RED 5 2 0 3 13 14 -1 4
The Paper Towels - WHITE 5 2 0 3 16 24 -8 4
Shrek United - GREEN 5 2 0 3 9 20 -11 4
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW 5 3 1 1 15 6 9 7
The Paper Towels - WHITE 5 2 2 1 8 8 0 6
Shrek United - GREEN 5 2 1 2 10 4 6 5
Fatlanta FC - BLACK 5 2 1 2 9 14 -5 5
Real Ale Madrid - RED 5 1 2 2 6 8 -2 4
Bayern Munchies - BLUE 5 1 1 3 3 11 -8 3
Team Player Weight Score Loss Percentage
The Paper Towels - WHITE Jon Rees 6.50 3.33%
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW Alex Bruce 6.00 7.36%
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW Nathan Sobers 5.00 3.58%
Shrek United - GREEN Paul Brown 5.00 1.47%
The Paper Towels - WHITE Anthony Laria 5.00 -0.13%
Fatlanta FC - BLACK Connor Frost 3.50 4.19%
Bayern Munchies - BLUE Joey Dangsida 3.50 3.72%
Real Ale Madrid - RED John Madrid 3.50 1.24%
Bayern Munchies - BLUE Luke Joseph 3.00 4.12%
Shrek United - GREEN James O'neil 3.00 0.90%
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW Rhys Farthing 3.00 0.78%
Real Ale Madrid - RED Ben Palmer 2.50 4.32%
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW Matteo Amodio 2.50 2.39%
Shrek United - GREEN Ali Mohamed 2.50 1.60%
Fatlanta FC - BLACK Ben Crampsey 2.50 1.43%
Fatlanta FC - BLACK Marc Byrne 2.50 1.23%
The Paper Towels - WHITE Aaron O'hegarty 2.00 -0.81%
Real Ale Madrid - RED Rafael Roldao 1.50 1.36%
Bayern Munchies - BLUE Mohamed Jama 1.50 0.34%
The Paper Towels - WHITE Brock Rodgers 1.00 1.20%
Real Ale Madrid - RED Mohamed Ali OTMAN 1.00 0.85%
Real Ale Madrid - RED Dexter Bolton 1.00 0.51%
Real Ale Madrid - RED Jamie Holmes 1.00 0.34%
Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW Francesco Tommaso 1.00 0.00%
The Paper Towels - WHITE Rodell Reid 1.00 -0.22%
Bayern Munchies - BLUE Sorie Jalloh 0.50 2.22%
Real Ale Madrid - RED Ryan Cavanagh 0.50 0.38%
Fatlanta FC - BLACK Abdelrahman Attia 0.50 0.13%
Fatlanta FC - BLACK Tom Gurlersan 0.50 0.09%

Upcoming Cup Matches

  • Tuesday 18 March

    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    VS 19:00
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
  • Tuesday 18 March

    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    VS 19:30
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
  • Tuesday 18 March

    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    VS 20:00
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 15 April

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    VS 19:00
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 15 April

    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    VS 19:30
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
  • Tuesday 15 April

    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    VS 20:00
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK

Recent Cup Match Results

  • Tuesday 18 February

    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    14 - 14
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    19 - 8
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    17 - 3
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 18 March

    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    0 - 0
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    0 - 0
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    0 - 0
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 15 April

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    0 - 0
    Shrek United - GREEN
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    0 - 0
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    0 - 0
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK


  • Tuesday 25 March

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    VS 19:00
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    VS 19:30
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Shrek United - GREEN
    VS 20:00
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    VS 19:00
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    VS 19:30
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 01 April

    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    VS 20:00
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Shrek United - GREEN
    VS 19:00
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    VS 19:30
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    VS 20:00
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
  • Tuesday 22 April

    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    VS 19:00
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
  • Tuesday 22 April

    Shrek United - GREEN
    VS 19:30
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
  • Tuesday 22 April

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    VS 20:00
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 29 April

    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    VS 19:00
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 29 April

    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    VS 19:30
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
  • Tuesday 29 April

    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    VS 20:00
    Real Ale Madrid - RED

Tap score to see breakdown.

  • Tuesday 11 March

    Shrek United - GREEN
    11 - 6
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    14 - 10
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    5 - 10
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 04 March

    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    5 - 12
    Shrek United - GREEN
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    8 - 15
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    13 - 9
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
  • Tuesday 25 February

    Shrek United - GREEN
    8 - 12
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    9 - 17
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    12 - 15
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
  • Tuesday 11 February

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    8 - 5
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    Shrek United - GREEN
    1 - 13
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    5 - 9
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
  • Tuesday 04 February

    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    5 - 10
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    8 - 5
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    13 - 3
    Shrek United - GREEN
  • Tuesday 25 March

    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    0 - 0
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    0 - 0
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    Shrek United - GREEN
    0 - 0
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 01 April

    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    0 - 0
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    0 - 0
    Shrek United - GREEN
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    0 - 0
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 08 April

    Shrek United - GREEN
    0 - 0
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    0 - 0
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    0 - 0
    Real Ale Madrid - RED
  • Tuesday 22 April

    Real Ale Madrid - RED
    0 - 0
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    Shrek United - GREEN
    0 - 0
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    0 - 0
    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
  • Tuesday 29 April

    Corn Cob Clobberers - YELLOW
    0 - 0
    Shrek United - GREEN
    The Paper Towels - WHITE
    0 - 0
    Bayern Munchies - BLUE
    Fatlanta FC - BLACK
    0 - 0
    Real Ale Madrid - RED