Basingstoke | Check now if you qualify for a funded place

Tuesday | 20:00-22:00

The Vyne School, Vyne Road Basingstoke, RG21 5NU

Welcome to MAN v FAT Basingstoke. Please feel free to sign up and your MAN v FAT coach will be in touch soon. (You will not be charged a monthly subscription of £35 until your place in the club is confirmed). You may qualify for funding via Hampshire County Council for members registering with a Hampshire County Council Postcode (Excludes Portsmouth & Southampton - you'll be able to see if you're eligible before you make a payment to register..

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‘The success of the MvF Football Basingstoke League continues to grow week by week! If you want to be part of an awesome community that provides fantastic support to help you achieve your health and fitness goals then sign up to the MvF programme today! We look forward to welcoming you to the team!’

Emma Evans, Coach, Basingstoke | Check now if you qualify for a funded place


Season Thirteen | 2024
Bayern Bru (Orange)
Fat ToLose (Purple)
Kebaberdeen (Red.)
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
Pork Vale (White)
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
Lime Bandits
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
Lean Machine (Black)
Eater Pieami (Pink)

"After countless weigh loss attempts, MAN v FAT has given me the tools and support to really get my lifestyle under control and has helped me lose over 40kg since July 2023! The community atmosphere is incredible and I can’t thank the guys enough for the encouragement they have given me especially in those first few weeks when I could barely walk yet alone run! Would recommend anyone come down and give it a go!"

Ryan - Basingstoke

Latest league fixtures / results

Bayern Bru (Orange) 10 9 0 1 134 64 70 18
Fat ToLose (Purple) 10 8 1 1 99 54 45 17
Kebaberdeen (Red.) 10 6 1 3 81 64 17 13
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) 10 6 0 4 83 70 13 12
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) 10 5 1 4 63 80 -17 11
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) 10 5 0 5 65 87 -22 10
Pork Vale (White) 10 4 1 5 81 70 11 9
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) 10 4 1 5 95 94 1 9
Lime Bandits 10 3 0 7 40 77 -37 6
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) 10 2 2 6 59 97 -38 6
Lean Machine (Black) 10 2 1 7 57 79 -22 5
Eater Pieami (Pink) 10 1 2 7 67 88 -21 4
Fat ToLose (Purple) 10 8 1 1 34 9 25 17
Bayern Bru (Orange) 10 8 0 2 33 10 23 16
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) 10 5 2 3 26 21 5 12
Lime Bandits 10 5 2 3 18 13 5 12
Kebaberdeen (Red.) 10 5 0 5 22 20 2 10
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) 10 4 1 5 22 26 -4 9
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) 10 4 1 5 20 27 -7 9
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) 10 4 0 6 29 35 -6 8
Lean Machine (Black) 10 3 2 5 24 34 -10 8
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) 10 3 1 6 25 37 -12 7
Eater Pieami (Pink) 10 3 0 7 24 34 -10 6
Pork Vale (White) 10 1 4 5 15 26 -11 6
Pork Vale (White) 10 9 0 1 31 10 21 18
Bayern Bru (Orange) 10 8 0 2 53 30 23 16
Fat ToLose (Purple) 10 5 1 4 28 18 10 11
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) 10 5 1 4 32 23 9 11
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) 10 5 1 4 30 27 3 11
Kebaberdeen (Red.) 10 4 2 4 29 25 4 10
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) 10 4 1 5 13 12 1 9
Eater Pieami (Pink) 10 4 0 6 18 26 -8 8
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) 10 3 2 5 11 27 -16 8
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) 10 3 1 6 19 39 -20 7
Lean Machine (Black) 10 3 0 7 9 17 -8 6
Lime Bandits 10 2 1 7 7 26 -19 5
Team Player Weight Score Loss Percentage
Bayern Bru (Orange) Jamie Coales 13.50 8.33%
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) Matthew Foster 13.50 6.56%
Fat ToLose (Purple) Jp Montgomery 12.00 10.80%
Kebaberdeen (Red.) Glenn Holden 11.00 6.98%
Pork Vale (White) Michael Blackman 9.00 6.22%
Bayern Bru (Orange) Jake Simms 8.50 5.65%
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) George Gregory 8.00 5.45%
Bayern Bru (Orange) Steve Beaumont 8.00 5.11%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) James Loureiro 7.00 4.43%
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) Reko Smith 7.00 3.43%
Lean Machine (Black) Luke Lambden 6.50 5.75%
Pork Vale (White) Lee Hatton 6.00 4.67%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Chris Roe 6.00 0.74%
Kebaberdeen (Red.) Jamie Hepden-Barker 5.50 7.14%
Bayern Bru (Orange) Thomas May 5.50 6.62%
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) Richard Dingsdale 5.50 5.52%
Fat ToLose (Purple) Rob Parker 5.50 2.00%
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) Hameed Jehanfo 5.50 1.61%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Stephen Carr 5.00 5.09%
Lime Bandits Philip Clint 5.00 2.70%
Fat ToLose (Purple) Barrie Silk 5.00 2.33%
Pork Vale (White) Tim Cuthbert 4.50 1.58%
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) Coinneach Hurford 4.50 1.02%
Bayern Bru (Orange) JOSHUA WELLHAM 4.00 -0.18%
Bayern Bru (Orange) Connor Solley-Andrews 3.50 5.00%
Bayern Bru (Orange) James Webb 3.50 2.59%
Eater Pieami (Pink) Dom Gook 3.50 2.46%
Bayern Bru (Orange) Matt Bristow 3.50 2.15%
Eater Pieami (Pink) Craig Stevenson 3.50 1.29%
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) Ryan Minns 3.50 1.24%
Eater Pieami (Pink) Ashley Howlett 3.50 1.08%
Pork Vale (White) aaron turner 3.50 0.41%
Eater Pieami (Pink) Andreas Constantinides 3.50 -0.23%
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) Simon Harrison 3.00 4.31%
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) Brian Carswell 3.00 4.02%
Kebaberdeen (Red.) Marc Adams 3.00 3.10%
Fat ToLose (Purple) Rob Lang 3.00 3.05%
Kebaberdeen (Red.) Samie Aldoori 3.00 2.42%
Kebaberdeen (Red.) Mark Hood 3.00 2.16%
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) Mark Whatton 3.00 0.32%
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) Glyn Gregory 2.50 3.54%
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) Liam Bone 2.50 1.72%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Matthew Wilson 2.50 1.51%
Kebaberdeen (Red.) Corrie Barnard 2.50 0.98%
Pork Vale (White) Andrew Lowery 2.50 0.94%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Adrian Gentry 2.50 0.00%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Luke Watts 2.00 4.13%
Pork Vale (White) PETER VINCENT 2.00 0.33%
Lean Machine (Black) Ben Cross 2.00 0.31%
Lime Bandits Nathan Brown 2.00 -0.19%
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) Louis Dispinseri 1.50 1.24%
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) Gareth Roberts 1.50 1.03%
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) Ryan Holden 1.50 -0.11%
Lime Bandits Jason Graham 1.00 3.87%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Mathew Wakeman 1.00 2.60%
Lean Machine (Black) Robert Chandler 1.00 2.44%
Eater Pieami (Pink) Christopher Hambling 1.00 2.06%
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) Josh Drew 1.00 1.20%
Forest Greed Rovers (Green) Paul Robinson 1.00 0.79%
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) Ged Brown 1.00 0.50%
Inter Pieami (Turquoise) Dan Connors 1.00 0.45%
Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue) Michael Davies 1.00 -0.11%
Fat ToLose (Purple) Lewin Perrett 1.00 -0.60%
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) Matt Wells 1.00 -1.08%
Lime Bandits Dave Purt 0.50 1.92%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) James Fenton 0.50 1.15%
50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey) Barry Davis 0.50 1.09%
Pork Vale (White) Cristian Szekely 0.50 0.67%
Eater Pieami (Pink) Christopher Rowe 0.50 0.43%
Lean Machine (Black) Stuart Landregan 0.50 0.00%
Lime Bandits Matthew Gethings 0.50 -0.12%
Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow) Andrew Brown 0.50 -1.32%

Upcoming Cup Matches

Recent Cup Match Results


  • Tuesday 18 February

    Lime Bandits
    VS 20:00
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    VS 20:30
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Pork Vale (White)
    VS 21:00
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    VS 21:00
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Lean Machine (Black)
    VS 21:30
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    VS 21:30
    Bayern Bru (Orange)

Tap score to see breakdown.

  • Tuesday 11 February

    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    11 - 7
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    9 - 0
    Lime Bandits
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    20 - 6
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    7 - 6
    Pork Vale (White)
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
    8 - 8
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    9 - 4
    Lean Machine (Black)
  • Tuesday 04 February

    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    10 - 19
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    Lean Machine (Black)
    6 - 13
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    11 - 11
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    Pork Vale (White)
    10 - 12
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    Lime Bandits
    7 - 12
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    21 - 12
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
  • Tuesday 28 January

    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    11 - 7
    Lime Bandits
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    10 - 11
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    16 - 10
    Pork Vale (White)
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    8 - 11
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
    8 - 15
    Lean Machine (Black)
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    11 - 8
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
  • Tuesday 21 January

    Pork Vale (White)
    7 - 9
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    6 - 5
    Lean Machine (Black)
    Lime Bandits
    5 - 7
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    7 - 18
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    5 - 3
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    6 - 2
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
  • Tuesday 14 January

    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    9 - 11
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    7 - 10
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    9 - 8
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    9 - 6
    Lime Bandits
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
    4 - 7
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    Lean Machine (Black)
    9 - 5
    Pork Vale (White)
  • Tuesday 07 January

    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    5 - 5
    Lean Machine (Black)
    Pork Vale (White)
    8 - 4
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    7 - 8
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    Lime Bandits
    6 - 5
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    8 - 7
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    4 - 6
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
  • Tuesday 17 December

    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    12 - 4
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    7 - 13
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    Lean Machine (Black)
    3 - 4
    Lime Bandits
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    0 - 13
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
    5 - 11
    Pork Vale (White)
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    6 - 5
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
  • Tuesday 10 December

    Lime Bandits
    0 - 6
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    4 - 7
    Pork Vale (White)
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    3 - 4
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    8 - 4
    Lean Machine (Black)
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    10 - 9
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    6 - 6
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
  • Tuesday 03 December

    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    0 - 6
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    20 - 4
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    2 - 8
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    Lean Machine (Black)
    3 - 12
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
    6 - 5
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    Pork Vale (White)
    11 - -2
    Lime Bandits
  • Tuesday 26 November

    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    6 - 6
    Pork Vale (White)
    Lime Bandits
    7 - 4
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    9 - 3
    Lean Machine (Black)
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    7 - 10
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    15 - 4
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    Bayern Bru (Orange)
    14 - 2
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
  • Tuesday 18 February

    Lime Bandits
    0 - 0
    Oldham Unathletic (Dark Blue)
    Eater Pieami (Pink)
    0 - 0
    Fat ToLose (Purple)
    Pork Vale (White)
    0 - 0
    Yellow Chubmarines (Yellow)
    Forest Greed Rovers (Green)
    0 - 0
    Kebaberdeen (Red.)
    Lean Machine (Black)
    0 - 0
    50 Shades of Greyvy (Grey)
    Inter Pieami (Turquoise)
    0 - 0
    Bayern Bru (Orange)