Havant | Check now if you qualify for a funded place

Monday | 19:30-21:30

Draper Tools Community Stadium, Bartons Triangle, Martin Road, Havant, PO9 5TH

Welcome to MAN v FAT Havant. Please feel free to sign up and your MAN v FAT coach will be in touch soon. (You will not be charged a monthly subscription of £35 until your place in the club is confirmed). You may qualify for funding via Hampshire County Council for members registering with a Hampshire County Council Postcode (Excludes Portsmouth & Southampton - you'll be able to see if you're eligible before you make a payment to register.

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MANvFAT has been such a great community since starting. As well as being a great bit of fun where lads can enjoy playing 5 a side (often for the first time in years) it has been fantastic to see so many guys lose weight and really buy into the programme along the way. We’ve had so many player reach big milestones already in their weightloss journeys, with players losing up to 25kg over the last 6 months since starting. It would be great to have more people join the Havant league!

Craig Capper, Coach, Havant | Check now if you qualify for a funded place


Season Fourteen | 2025
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
Real Madras (HAV White)
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)

The whole set up for Man v Fat could not have helped me more, there are so many benefits to being part of this. Since starting I have not only lost a considerable amount of weight (so much more than expected) but its also really helped my own mental health wellbeing. Over the last few years my mental mindset has not been great however starting this was the best thing I have done in a long time, I have really built my self confidence and now also have the ability to really focus on my own personal health which in turn not only benefits me but also the people around me. A massive positive to this is also the people you play alongside and against, yes of course its football and you want to win but the support you get is unbelievable and helps so much in your journey.

Latest league fixtures / results

Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) 6 5 0 1 57 33 24 10
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) 6 5 0 1 50 41 9 10
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) 6 4 0 2 46 34 12 8
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) 6 3 1 2 41 32 9 7
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) 6 3 0 3 31 27 4 6
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) 6 1 1 4 35 51 -16 3
Real Madras (HAV White) 6 1 1 4 28 47 -19 3
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) 6 0 1 5 26 49 -23 1
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) 6 4 2 0 18 4 14 10
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) 6 5 0 1 27 14 13 10
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) 6 4 1 1 20 9 11 9
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) 6 4 0 2 22 9 13 8
Real Madras (HAV White) 6 3 0 3 16 19 -3 6
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) 6 1 0 5 7 19 -12 2
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) 6 1 0 5 8 20 -12 2
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) 6 0 1 5 2 26 -24 1
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) 6 4 1 1 14 7 7 9
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) 6 4 0 2 10 -3 13 8
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) 6 4 0 2 16 12 4 8
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) 6 4 0 2 7 9 -2 8
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) 6 2 1 3 18 18 0 5
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) 6 2 0 4 14 18 -4 4
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) 6 1 1 4 9 15 -6 3
Real Madras (HAV White) 6 1 1 4 1 13 -12 3
Team Player Weight Score Loss Percentage
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) Stephen Emery 9.00 6.73%
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) Balnek Sangra 8.00 5.96%
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) Steven Parvin 6.50 12.47%
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) Jack Heselwood 6.50 3.45%
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) Sam Palmer 6.00 6.06%
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) Matt Wake 5.50 2.50%
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) Anthony Bate 3.50 4.79%
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) Michael Beverley 3.50 2.17%
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) Douglas Cartwright 3.00 4.35%
Real Madras (HAV White) Steve Barber 3.00 3.92%
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) Eddie Rowland 3.00 2.62%
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) Dan Jones 3.00 1.95%
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) Lee Hickley 2.50 5.00%
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) Liam Leggett 2.50 3.29%
Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue) Kieran Drew 2.50 3.18%
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) Ben McInnes 2.50 2.85%
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) Becket Smith 2.50 2.02%
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) Rob Deacon 2.50 1.52%
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) Ryan Bridgett-Blake 2.50 0.97%
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) Andrew Mullis 2.50 0.44%
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) Anthony Bowbanks 2.00 1.65%
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) Glenn Stewart 2.00 1.03%
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) Curtis Vickers 1.00 3.92%
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) Paul Shannon 1.00 3.65%
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) Charlie Fry 1.00 2.90%
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) Robbie Matthews 1.00 2.63%
Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green) Robert Holmes 1.00 2.59%
Real Madras (HAV White) Daniel Todd 1.00 2.44%
Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black) REECE HAWKINS 1.00 2.37%
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) David Maughan 1.00 2.25%
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) Darren Stephen 1.00 1.65%
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) Thomas Norgrove 1.00 1.20%
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) Jamie Peters 1.00 0.94%
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) Christian Brady 1.00 0.75%
Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red) Timothy Costall 1.00 0.65%
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) Aaron Smith 1.00 0.10%
Porquay United (HAV Yellow) Shaun Breading 1.00 -1.31%
Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange) Alex Rayner 1.00 -1.39%
O.B. City FC (HAV Purple) John Wake 0.50 0.00%

Upcoming Cup Matches

Recent Cup Match Results


  • Monday 17 February

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    VS 19:30
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 17 February

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    VS 20:00
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
  • Monday 17 February

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    VS 20:30
    Real Madras (HAV White)
  • Monday 17 February

    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    VS 21:00
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 24 February

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    VS 19:30
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 24 February

    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    VS 20:00
    Real Madras (HAV White)
  • Monday 24 February

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    VS 20:30
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
  • Monday 24 February

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    VS 21:00
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
  • Monday 03 March

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    VS 19:30
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
  • Monday 03 March

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    VS 20:00
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 03 March

    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    VS 20:30
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
  • Monday 03 March

    Real Madras (HAV White)
    VS 21:00
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 10 March

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    VS 19:30
    Real Madras (HAV White)
  • Monday 10 March

    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    VS 20:00
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
  • Monday 10 March

    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    VS 20:30
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
  • Monday 10 March

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    VS 21:00
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
  • Monday 17 March

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    VS 19:30
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
  • Monday 17 March

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    VS 20:00
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 17 March

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    VS 20:30
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 17 March

    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    VS 21:00
    Real Madras (HAV White)
  • Monday 24 March

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    VS 19:30
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
  • Monday 24 March

    Real Madras (HAV White)
    VS 20:00
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
  • Monday 24 March

    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    VS 20:30
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
  • Monday 24 March

    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    VS 21:00
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
  • Monday 31 March

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    VS 19:30
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 31 March

    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    VS 20:00
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 31 March

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    VS 20:30
    Real Madras (HAV White)
  • Monday 31 March

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    VS 21:00
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
  • Monday 07 April

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    VS 19:30
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
  • Monday 07 April

    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    VS 20:00
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
  • Monday 07 April

    Real Madras (HAV White)
    VS 20:30
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
  • Monday 07 April

    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    VS 21:00
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)

Tap score to see breakdown.

  • Monday 10 February

    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    3 - 8
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    4 - 4
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    5 - 3
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    10 - 5
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
  • Monday 03 February

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    11 - 8
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    4 - 14
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    8 - 4
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    7 - 12
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 27 January

    Real Madras (HAV White)
    8 - 7
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    2 - 7
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    7 - 8
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    8 - 6
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
  • Monday 20 January

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    10 - 11
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    3 - 5
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    1 - 10
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    6 - 8
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 13 January

    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    7 - 3
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    4 - 4
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    11 - 6
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    8 - 2
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
  • Monday 06 January

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    3 - 5
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    4 - 7
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    3 - 13
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    3 - 14
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
  • Monday 17 February

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    0 - 0
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    0 - 0
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    0 - 0
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    0 - 0
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 24 February

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    0 - 0
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    0 - 0
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    0 - 0
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
  • Monday 03 March

    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    0 - 0
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    0 - 0
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    0 - 0
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    0 - 0
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
  • Monday 10 March

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    0 - 0
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    0 - 0
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    0 - 0
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
  • Monday 17 March

    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    0 - 0
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    0 - 0
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    0 - 0
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    0 - 0
    Real Madras (HAV White)
  • Monday 24 March

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    0 - 0
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    0 - 0
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    0 - 0
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
  • Monday 31 March

    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    0 - 0
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    0 - 0
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    0 - 0
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
  • Monday 07 April

    Red Bull Leipozuction (HAV Red)
    0 - 0
    Maradonner Kebab (HAV Black)
    Diabetico Madrid (HAV Green)
    0 - 0
    Inter Mittentfasting (HAV Blue)
    Real Madras (HAV White)
    0 - 0
    Fatsumas FC (HAV Orange)
    O.B. City FC (HAV Purple)
    0 - 0
    Porquay United (HAV Yellow)