Nottingham North | Check now if you qualify for a funded place

Friday | 18:30-21:00

Astro Kings, Harvey Hadden Sports Village, Wigman Rd Nottingham, NG8 4PB

Welcome to MAN v FAT Nottingham North. This is an active Club but, at present, there is a waiting list for places. Please feel free to sign up and your MAN v FAT coach will be in touch soon.(You will not be charged a monthly subscription of £35 until your place in the club is confirmed). You may qualify for a funded place via Thriving Nottingham if you live in Nottingham City and have an eligible postcode - you'll be able to see if you're eligible before you make a payment to register.

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Hello, I'm Ryan the coach at Nottingham. Why not get involved and kick-off your weight loss or arrange to come down and have a look before putting in that transfer request

Ryan James, Coach, Nottingham North | Check now if you qualify for a funded place

see what our players have been up to


Season Twenty-Two | 2024
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
New Nottingham 8
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)

Latest league fixtures / results

Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) 5 4 0 1 64 43 21 8
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange) 5 4 0 1 54 39 15 8
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) 5 4 0 1 47 37 10 8
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) 5 3 1 1 39 34 5 7
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) 5 3 0 2 37 32 5 6
New Nottingham 8 5 2 0 3 46 45 1 4
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) 5 2 0 3 42 42 0 4
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) 5 0 2 3 42 56 -14 2
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) 5 1 0 4 25 46 -21 2
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) 5 0 1 4 33 55 -22 1
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange) 5 4 0 1 38 17 21 8
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) 5 4 0 1 28 20 8 8
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) 5 4 0 1 27 19 8 8
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) 5 3 0 2 22 14 8 6
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) 5 3 0 2 24 20 4 6
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) 5 2 0 3 19 14 5 4
New Nottingham 8 5 2 0 3 22 22 0 4
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) 5 1 1 3 18 37 -19 3
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) 5 1 0 4 13 24 -11 2
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) 5 0 1 4 10 34 -24 1
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) 5 4 0 1 7 2 5 8
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) 5 3 1 1 12 8 4 7
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) 5 3 1 1 11 7 4 7
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) 5 3 0 2 23 13 10 6
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) 5 2 2 1 13 9 4 6
New Nottingham 8 5 2 1 2 12 14 -2 5
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) 5 2 0 3 9 9 0 4
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) 5 2 0 3 10 18 -8 4
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange) 5 0 2 3 3 10 -7 2
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) 5 0 1 4 3 13 -10 1
Team Player Weight Score Loss Percentage
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) Abdi Ahmed 8.50 14.08%
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) Steven Williams 6.50 6.21%
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) Sonny Rea 6.00 1.30%
New Nottingham 8 Joe Henry 5.50 7.97%
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) Guy Ian 5.00 0.97%
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) Matt Hetherington 4.00 0.48%
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange) Marcus Pope 3.50 5.44%
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) Russell Attaway 3.50 3.70%
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) Cal Ford 3.00 2.36%
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) Matthew McCluskey 3.00 2.19%
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) Dan Shipman 3.00 1.50%
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) Matt Atkins 3.00 0.00%
Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red) Alex Arnold 2.50 3.34%
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) Billy Huchison 2.50 3.00%
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) Craig Lee 2.50 2.88%
New Nottingham 8 Danish Rauf 2.50 1.96%
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) Devanté Davis 2.50 1.72%
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange) AZAT GUIBADOULLINE 2.50 1.47%
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) Edward McLaughlin 2.50 0.67%
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) James O'reilly 2.50 0.19%
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) Mark Davis 2.50 -0.76%
New Nottingham 8 Steven Kemp 2.00 0.10%
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) Ben Seagrave 1.50 0.96%
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) Al Rea 1.50 0.90%
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) Craig Shepherd 1.50 0.60%
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) Craig Wheldon 1.50 -0.94%
New Nottingham 8 Adrian Short 1.00 3.36%
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) Stephen Salter 1.00 2.83%
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) Chris Mainprize 1.00 2.43%
Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange) Sam Williams 1.00 1.87%
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) Paul Gilman 1.00 1.59%
New Nottingham 8 Rob Flanagan 1.00 1.28%
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) Arran Singh 1.00 1.22%
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) Ellis McCormick 1.00 0.99%
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) Adedayo Komolafe 1.00 0.93%
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) Joshua Freddi 1.00 0.00%
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) Alexander Farn 1.00 -0.07%
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) Kieron Middleton 1.00 -1.07%
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) Paul Mullins 1.00 -2.52%
Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow) Jon Rea 0.50 2.13%
Heavyton (Nottingham Blue) Stephen Britnell 0.50 2.03%
Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White) Iain Bateman 0.50 1.09%
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) Jean Waterfall 0.50 0.59%
Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink) Chris Pownall 0.50 0.56%
Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy) Martin Dent 0.50 0.35%
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) Sam Sandhu 0.50 -0.94%
F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey) Kris Taylor 0.50 -1.78%
Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black) David lambert 0.50 -3.78%

Upcoming Cup Matches

  • Friday 31 January

    New Nottingham 8
    VS 18:45
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
  • Friday 31 January

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 19:00
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
  • Friday 31 January

    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    VS 19:15
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
  • Friday 31 January

    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    VS 19:30
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
  • Friday 31 January

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    VS 19:45
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 28 February

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    VS 18:45
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
  • Friday 28 February

    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    VS 19:00
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
  • Friday 28 February

    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    VS 19:15
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
  • Friday 28 February

    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    VS 19:30
    New Nottingham 8
  • Friday 28 February

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 19:45
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 14 March

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    VS 18:45
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
  • Friday 14 March

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 19:00
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
  • Friday 14 March

    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    VS 19:15
    New Nottingham 8
  • Friday 14 March

    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    VS 19:30
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
  • Friday 14 March

    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    VS 19:45
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)

Recent Cup Match Results

  • Friday 13 December

    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    8 - 4
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    13 - 4
    New Nottingham 8
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    1 - 8
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    3 - 9
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    10 - 12
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
  • Friday 31 January

    New Nottingham 8
    0 - 0
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    0 - 0
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    0 - 0
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    0 - 0
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 28 February

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    0 - 0
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    0 - 0
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    0 - 0
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    0 - 0
    New Nottingham 8
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 14 March

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    0 - 0
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    0 - 0
    New Nottingham 8
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    0 - 0
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    0 - 0
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)


  • Friday 07 February

    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    VS 18:45
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
  • Friday 07 February

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    VS 19:00
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
  • Friday 07 February

    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    VS 19:15
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 07 February

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 19:30
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
  • Friday 07 February

    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    VS 19:45
    New Nottingham 8
  • Friday 14 February

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 18:45
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 14 February

    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    VS 19:00
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
  • Friday 14 February

    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    VS 19:15
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
  • Friday 14 February

    New Nottingham 8
    VS 19:30
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
  • Friday 14 February

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    VS 19:45
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
  • Friday 21 February

    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    VS 18:45
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
  • Friday 21 February

    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    VS 19:00
    New Nottingham 8
  • Friday 21 February

    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    VS 19:15
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
  • Friday 21 February

    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    VS 19:30
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 21 February

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 19:45
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
  • Friday 07 March

    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    VS 18:45
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 07 March

    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    VS 19:00
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
  • Friday 07 March

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    VS 19:15
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
  • Friday 07 March

    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    VS 19:30
    New Nottingham 8
  • Friday 07 March

    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    VS 19:45
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)

Tap score to see breakdown.

  • Friday 24 January

    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    14 - 7
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    10 - 9
    New Nottingham 8
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    17 - 8
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    5 - 8
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    12 - 5
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
  • Friday 17 January

    New Nottingham 8
    12 - 2
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    15 - 9
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    6 - 7
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    14 - 11
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    7 - 5
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
  • Friday 10 January

    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    3 - 8
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    9 - 9
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    8 - 4
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    8 - 1
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    New Nottingham 8
    10 - 17
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
  • Friday 06 December

    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    5 - 8
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    8 - 9
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    New Nottingham 8
    4 - 11
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    6 - 5
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    10 - 13
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
  • Friday 29 November

    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    10 - 10
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    10 - 8
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    8 - 10
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    5 - 11
    New Nottingham 8
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    10 - 8
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
  • Friday 07 February

    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    0 - 0
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    0 - 0
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    0 - 0
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    0 - 0
    New Nottingham 8
  • Friday 14 February

    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    0 - 0
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    0 - 0
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    New Nottingham 8
    0 - 0
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    0 - 0
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
  • Friday 21 February

    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    0 - 0
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    0 - 0
    New Nottingham 8
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    0 - 0
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    0 - 0
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
  • Friday 07 March

    F.A.F United (Nottingham Grey)
    0 - 0
    Heavyton (Nottingham Blue)
    Inter Mi-Belly  CF (Nottingham Pink)
    0 - 0
    Inter Pie-ami (Nottingham Navy)
    Wealdstone Grazers (Nottingham White)
    0 - 0
    Nottingham Forest Gateau (Nottingham Black)
    Chicken Tiki Taka (Nottingham Orange)
    0 - 0
    New Nottingham 8
    Oxfood Utd (Nottingham Yellow)
    0 - 0
    Jigglesbrough FC (Nottingham Red)